The Democrat & Progressive Left's Obsession with Degeneracy
Why does the American left embrace all things debased?
As we’ve explored before, today’s progressivism is manifested in a completely inverted manner from what it stood for originally - yet the method in which it is deployed upon society remains strangely the same.
The progenitors of the prohibition in early 20th century America were concerned with the moral and social decay that seemed to flourish where alcohol was present. They aligned themselves with the puritans and the zealots of temperance in their mission; and they were deeply progressive.
Their ranks included notable figures such as William Jennings Bryan, Wayne Wheeler, Andrew Volstead, and others. These fathers of the post gilded age progressive movement believed that the liquor trade corrupted the moral growth of the individual and impeded the social progress necessary for a robust societal civic structure.
The aggressive task of “bettering the individual with or without his consent” through wielding social and political power levers is one of the hallmarks of progressivism - whether it be evidenced in the overly puritanical exercise of early 20th century alcohol prohibition; or in the more lurid forms of social enlightenment one finds being advocated for today, even within mainstream circles.
The obvious difference, is that in today’s post-modern society, the ever-present quest for progress has brought us to a place where the threat of moral decay is no longer a concern, but has literally become the mission itself. How and when did this transformation take place?
The ever-present quest for progress has brought us to a place where the threat of moral decay is no longer a concern, but has literally become the mission itself.
You may recall in late 2023, a young male staffer for Maryland Senator Ben Cardin filmed himself having sex with another man in the judiciary conference room within the US Senate Hart building. In response to the social media backlash, the staffer posted a commentary online in which he painted himself as the victim, since he is gay. To not understand the outraged response to proudly recording and distributing graphic sexual acts being done inside the hallowed halls of Congress, is an example of the level of degradation we’ve achieved in our society due to modern progressivism.
More recently, many within the X-sphere are still talking about the opening ceremony to this year’s Olympic games in Paris. Featuring a theme approximate to “We’re gay artists who are also artsy and gay” with a Parisian flair, the weirdly hyper-sexualized performance had less to do with athletics, or even French culture than it did with serving as an all-encompassing tribute to all things woke.
However, the event’s ‘coup de grâce’ was a flamboyant restructuring of da Vinci’s classic painting, The Last Supper with an androgynous all drag cast serving as the 12 disciples. In place of Jesus, a “they/them” or “xhe/xer/xim/xir” or other such assault on linguistic tradition wearing a crown of seven stars on “xis” head. In place of the “supper” itself, a painted blue figure singing about being naked, while the other performers sway in a trance-like state. Clearly this mockery of Christianity was an intentional statement meant to inflame Christians around the world, and certainly did, which was the same predictable outcome that has entertained the godless in the modern age ever since Serrano’s 1987 exhibition, Piss Christ. To Christian cynics, in which this writer consider himself a charter member, the pageant induced little more than an halfhearted eyeroll. We’ve been here before, and we’ll absolutely be here again. It’s nothing new or truly provocative. Just another self-absorbed testament to hedonistic revelry.
Open mainstream displays of gay culture have become humdrum exercises of weaponized banality. No longer are they courageous or shocking or in any way revolutionary. Society has come full circle to the point to which one would have to organize a public demonstration of an all white, Christian nuclear family featuring stand-ins for June and Ward Cleaver and their perfect 2.3 children all participating in traditional family things to ruffle the rainbow-colored feathers of today’s pearl clutchers.
Open mainstream displays of gay culture have become humdrum exercises of weaponized banality. No longer are they courageous or shocking or in any way revolutionary.
However, even the jaded believer, such as yours truly, finds himself provoked to anger when children are inserted into these displays and used as props - or God forbid, sexualized objects. The difference is, this outrage isn’t borne from a place of taking offense. This is primal. A burning rage invoked by watching the desecration of the most innocent. And right there, live on television in front of tens of millions watching around the world, a young girl was prominently featured amidst the chaotic bacchanalia and grinding orgy fest happening all around her during the Last Supper parody.
As we’ve discussed before, the acronymic metamorphosis of the LGB community to include the T+++ components has brought with it a declaration that literally “anything goes”. And in this age of enlightenment, in a culture that has traditionally prized individual liberty above all else - why not? However, children should be universally considered off limits by all. But this certainly isn’t the case. In fact, efforts are being waged more and more blatantly to normalize those with pedophilic inclinations as just another alphabet group struggling for validation. In fact, the term “pedophile” is considered damaged goods. The progressive effort to adopt the more palatable “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs) moniker has been underway for sometime now.
Efforts within the scientific research arena seem to be more concerned with protecting the emotional well-being and the destigmatization of pedophiles more than anything else. Little more than a nod towards actually protecting children is offered within this scope of research. The nonprofit group Exodus Cry documents the chilling extents to which the normalization campaign has endeavored by a group known as Prostasia:
But this organization’s [Prostasia] true colors are revealed by what they actually support: the use and sale of sex dolls that look like children, porn that simulates sex with a minor, and funding research into “fantasy sexual outlets” for pedophiles. (SOURCE)
Groups such as Gays Against Groomers (GAG) are disturbed with the trend toward using the LGBT+ community as an incubator for proclivities that target children specifically. Their description reads: “A nonprofit of gays, lesbians and others in the community against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children under the guise of "LGBTQIA+"“. These efforts are critical in ensuring children are protected and that their abusers find no safe harbor in the alphabet community, especially since the targeting of children hasn’t only been at the hands of pedophiles and their allies - but also within the scope of the gender war being waged across the West presently.
For their efforts, GAG is treated as a pariah by the left and their media mouthpieces. Wikipedia describes GAG as “an American far-right and anti-LGBT organization”. The Anti-Defamation League defamed GAG as a “notable amplifier of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric”. The Southern Poverty Law Center says that GAG “perpetuates anti-LGBTQ+ stereotypes”. So how is it that this organization, which is comprised of gays and lesbians, can simultaneously be so unbelievably anti-gay? The short answer is that they aren’t. GAG fights sexualization and gender experimentation concerning children. And for that, they’re branded as tools of the far right. What this plainly tells us, is that the left is fully invested at the very least, in using children as props; and at worst, targeting children in more nefarious aspects. Nothing on GAG’s website promotes any sort of conservative or far right agenda. How is it that protecting children is considered far right?
How is it that protecting children is considered far right?
If progressives today had a human composite representing what they stand for, encourage, and advocate for, it would certainly be a transgender person, among other things. The idea that a 25-year-old Manhattanite, armed with a college degree in feminist dance studies, would decide to undergo surgery and hormone therapy in an attempt to adopt the opposite gender, hardly raises any eyebrows. The real battle is being waged on the inclusion of children in this practice.
Progressives en masse have agreed to pursue an agenda that would enable parents to subject their prepubescent children to surgeries and therapies designed to inhibit puberty and encourage developmental aspects opposite of their biological gender. In some cases, parents need not even be involved, as progressives want to empower government agents within public schools to be able to foster and pursue gender-swapping activities with the children entrusted to their care.
Social media star Chloe Cole (X @ChoooCole), is well known for “detransing”, after going through transition treatment as an adolescent, when doctors then asked her parents what has become a rallying cry for the movement: “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?” As a result of the medical communities’ insistence, Cole began puberty blockers and hormone therapy at 13, and a double mastectomy at 15. By 16, she realized she was perfect the way God made her, and wanted nothing else to do with becoming a trans boy. So progressives everywhere rallied around her, celebrating her right to choose her own path, right? Not exactly.
Progressives, their media allies, and leftwing culture have fashioned a new religion out of transgender politics. With dogmatic fervor, they advocate for unrestrained access to surgical and hormonal intervention for children who may at times show behaviors or characteristics that resemble those of their opposite biological gender. Anyone with cultural clout - like Cole - who has the audacity to invade their sacred territory is met with a harsh reception. Just recently the LA Times issued a fatwa on Cole, with a piece titled, “How California teen Chloe Cole emerged as a leader of the 'detransition' movement — and a right-wing icon”. From the article, “Most of Cole's critics don't deny her personal story in the same way that she discredits the experiences of hundreds of thousands of transgender youths.” The implication is that by telling her story, and warning of the dangers of excessive eagerness to permanently mutilate children who may only be experiencing the awkward fumblings of youth, Cole is somehow “erasing” the trans community’s existence.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ running mate, progressive Minnesota governor Tim Walz, is completely committed to the practice of gender experimentation on kids. Walz championed a radical bill that would empower agents of the state to revoke parental rights and seize the children of parents who refuse to subject their kids to “gender affirming care”, a favorite buzzword of the left with a far more malevolent utility than its name suggests, when it comes to minor children. The governor also passed a bill in Minnesota requiring all bathrooms, including boys bathrooms - in public schools to feature tampon dispensers. Walz, who represents the farthest leftwing faction in mainstream American politics, being added to the Harris presidential bid ticket, signals an even further slide to the left for the Democrat party. His views, which would be considered fringe merely several years ago, are now par for the political course.
The American progressive left has determined that going all in on transgender politics is the winning formula. Just recently in this year’s Olympic women’s boxing competition, Imane Khelif, an intersex Algerian boxer with XY chromosomes, fell under scrutiny from conservatives when Khelif injured Italian boxer Angela Carini after only 46 seconds, when Carini had to forfeit the match. After the bout, Carini said, “I’ve never been hit that hard in my life”. It is hard not to imagine that under domestic circumstances, had Khelif fought Carini in this manner, Khelif would have been charged with a number of crimes for domestic abuse. However, to the American left, all’s fair in love and sports - and the ultimate crowning achievement for 50+ years of feminism, is men dominating women’s sports and literally sending women to the emergency room.
None of this seems to bother the Biden-Harris administration however, as the effort to radically overhaul Title IX is underway, despite legal challenges in several states, which would force schools at all levels to include biological males in girls’ sports. The fact that the president, sitting in the highest office in the land, feels politically comfortable enough to overhaul 50-year-old law to accommodate boys who “feel” like girls, and empower them to compete against, and dominate girls’ sports - signals just how far the Democrat party has shifted to the left in only a short span of time. The irony of Title IX; put into place originally to bring parity to women’s sports - and now being used to completely subjugate and cancel women in athletics, cannot be overstated.
The irony of Title IX; put into place originally to bring parity to women’s sports - and now being used to completely subjugate and cancel women in athletics, cannot be overstated.
So what’s all this about? Why have progressives hitched their wagon to everything sex and gender? On a cultural level, it’s an effort to dissolve all traditional constraints in order to seek a globalized society coalesced under one banner of secular humanism. On a spiritual level, it’s an assault on God. The traditions as they are historically understood in western predominantly Christian societies, are an affront to the proudly secular progressive global citizen. Religion and its moral imperatives are stumbling blocks for a humanist, godless, socialist global community that prizes hedonism over the individualist religious pursuits of faith and piety.
Furthermore, progressives widely embrace virtually unconstrained abortion, the dissolution of national borders, packing the Supreme Court, the expansion of state control over the economy, and the gutting of the 2nd Amendment. It irks this writer that the terms “liberal” and “progressive” are often used interchangeably to describe the American left. Today’s leftwing, and its home base within the Democrat party, have long ago jettisoned the ideals of liberalism. Progressivism is at its very core, necessarily illiberal.
As stated earlier, the hallmark of progressivism is “the bettering of the individual with or without his consent”. In contrast, the liberal permits the individual to choose the manner, method, and mode of his bettering. It isn’t prescribed for him by an all-powerful state. Turn-of-the-century progressives forced temperance upon society - which may have had noble ambitions, but was an illiberal exercise. Today’s progressives relish the same spirit of illiberalism - but have designs on more pernicious pursuits.
If one could peel back the false emotional facade on our composite Progressive, one would find that the Progressive is someone deeply distrusting of his fellow man’s ability to chart his own course. The Progressive believes that when left to his own devices, and saddled with the inconveniences of self-determination and liberty, the individual will choose for himself a path of self-sufficiency and personal fulfillment. This path, saith the Progressive, is devoid of the omniscient guidance of the all-powerful state and its ministers, and will therefore inevitably lead to the individual’s ruin.
Additionally, the Progressive is deeply collectivist. To permit the individual to freely seek his own way, is to ignore his responsibility to his fellow global citizens, according to the Progressive. Should the individual commit himself to his labors and find monetary success, this would be the most tragic of outcomes, given that his wealth isn’t being redistributed to those of lesser means. To the Progressive, forcing the forfeiture of a large portion of the individual’s property for the welfare of his global brethren is the individual’s most sacred duty. And when executed properly, it is the Progressive who should be recognized as the generous benefactor of society for the act of seizing one’s wealth and doling it out to the less fortunate.
The progressive movement has long ago abandoned its original ideals of fighting for equality in the face of obvious injustice - such as abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, and passing the Civil Rights Act. Today, their primary goal is the assault on the family, traditional values, and the time-honored institutions of faith and God-given liberty. More atrociously, progressives have a particular interest in children. If a child survives the progressives’ virtually unconstrained opinions on abortion and is born, then she is soon met with their gender agenda, which includes hormonal and even surgical intervention should the child ever display characteristics found in the opposite sex. If the child is a female athlete, soon she will be competing against bigger and stronger boys, until she is completely dominated in a progressive utopia. The endgame is a progressive globalist system devoid of borders; populated by a feeble, androgynous, and completely subjugated citizenry too divided and confused to resist. It is incumbent upon anyone concerned with protecting children and the foundations of liberty and self-determination to fight this malevolence at every level.
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