A Culture of Acquiescence
If our social planners can keep us confused, medicated, compliant, and dumb - then we'll enthusiastically put the chains on ourselves
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
As the culture wars rage on, it’s all starting to feel like that there is an emergent plan amidst the chaos - a roadmap to… somewhere. And that final destination is becoming more and more clear.
The Technological Pacifier
It is only in looking behind us into recent history where the trajectory becomes more obvious. Over the last 30-40 years, we see a steady decline in self-determination and independence evident in the denizens of western society. Technological advances have become so commonplace in modern life, we can hardly conceive of how we managed our affairs without them a mere couple of decades ago. Perhaps a natural byproduct of their adoption into daily life, is the unwitting jettisoning of some of our autonomy and sovereignty, as we vie for convenience over total self-sufficience. But a darker picture is beginning to emerge.
Perhaps Marx’s famous saw, “religion is the opiate of the masses”, should necessarily be updated to “iPhone is the opiate of the masses” to better reflect the current age. The response to Apple issuing a new phone that basically looks and functions exactly as the old one did, is a fanatical exercise. Dogmatic devotees rearrange their lives and responsibilities to camp out in front of the nearest Apple store, just for the chance to take their place in line as one of the faceless cogs eagerly awaiting the chance to shell out any amount required to secure their new sparkly gadget that looks just like everyone else’s. And this same ritual is repeated ad nauseum for basically any new and shiny techy gizmo that they come out with.
It is through our endless yearning for convenience, that our sociocultural overlords exhibit control over us all.
As we become more dependent on devices and machines, we begin to be sort of assimilated into them. We slowly begin to abandon our self-reliance, and in turn, our independence. As these are being stripped away, our intelligence begins to decline as well. No longer do we need to do long form math on a scrap of paper; or spend an afternoon immersed in the local library researching a certain topic; or even writing a heartfelt letter to an old friend on special stationary reserved only for the most important correspondence. All of these and more are accomplished in mere seconds, without any real thought, with a piece of plastic we all carry in our pockets. Is convenience really the greatest prize and the highest honor a society can reach for?
Is convenience really the greatest prize and the highest honor a society can reach for?
The Cultural Component
In tandem to the technological tsunami that we’re all impacted by on a daily basis, are the cultural metamorphoses that have transformed literally all aspects of life in the west. As we often discuss here, the four pillars of culture are academia, political, media, and entertainment. These four drive the cultural zeitgeist and determine the basic direction of a society. Through advances in technology, they are able to more seamlessly issue their dictates and be more monolithic and imperial in their pronouncements. It is in this manner in which concepts such as DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), CRT (Critical Race Theory), and other theoretical academic constructs have seeped into the public consciousness and become a driving force in the way society operates.
In the mind of the secular progressive, antiquated notions such as hard work, self-reliance, and dedication to one’s labors are not only outdated, they are literally despised. And shame is prescribed to those who still cling to such archaic views. These are even commonly branded as “racist” ideas - despite however ludicrous and irrational such a charge is. As is common with progressives, this type of gaslighting is projectionism - as it is they themselves who promote the bigoted opinion that people of color are incapable of achievement through hard work. Out here in the real world however, these ideas are incompatible with our daily life.
We little people here on the ground in our towns and cities across America interact with hard working people from all walks of life on a daily basis; get along with them; and proudly consider them our friends and neighbors. The stuffy, pretentious, pompous leftist academic and political managers who decide which groups are the oppressors and which are the oppressed, have theories that are completely incongruent with the real world. It is only through the sheer might of their voice through traditional media, social media, and entertainment that these destructive ideas become so ubiquitous and adopted en masse.
The four cultural pillars have coalesced into one gigantic creature with a common voice and purpose; while simultaneously working to divide the people of society into disparate groups and identity tribes, constantly at war with each other and vying for a few precious scraps of relevance offered by our social planners. Within this economy of warring factions, victimhood is the most prized commodity, and the groups able to secure the most of this precious resource are held aloft by the cultural managerial deities on high. This allows the cultural demigods to position themselves as merciful and compassionate towards those that they have determined to be the the victims of society, and to shun the rest as the bastard oppressors responsible for their plight. This exercise in virtue signaling is the ultimate prize for the cultural elite, because it serves as a modern form of bread and circuses that keep the people in line as they retreat to their respective identitarian corners, always divided, always in conflict, and never contented.
Through these social Hunger Games being promulgated by the cultural administrators, unwritten rules are adopted and put into place in which the masses agree to whether explicitly or not. One of these rules is that the higher the victimhood/oppression ratio that one group enjoys, the more discomfort the less victimized groups must endure in service to the oppressed. For instance, consider this recent post on social media:
To be spat upon is an assault of the most dehumanizing type. Yet even though it is happening rather often to this woman and to others she associates with, she is careful to protect the ethnic identity of the spitters and not to cast too much dispersion upon them, because being spit upon and degraded in such a manner is preferable to be labeled a racist. This is the direct result of a society that has acquiesced to the most asinine demands that go as far as to cast speaking the truth as being an act of hatred and bigotry.
The Pharmaceutical Surge
Concurrent with all of this, is the rise in the power and influence of the pharmaceutical industry. As a Gen X’er, I can recall watching television as a kid and never seeing a commercial for a prescription drug at any point. However today, almost every commercial advises you to “ask your doctor” about some new wonder drug. Whatever happened to going to see your family medical practitioner, and they inform you about which treatment is best? How is it that it has become acceptable for people with no medical training or knowledge to go and tell their doctor which medicines they want? This is the result of a pharmaceutical industry that has invested more in lobbying governments and medical establishments than they do actual research and development of drugs. And because of these efforts, western society is more doped up and medicated than ever before - and unironically, sicker than ever before.
By combining this societal cocktail of unrelenting wokeism, technological opium, and over medication of the masses, the sociocultural managers have exhibited their power over us all. We are weaker, sicker, more divided, less self-reliant, more dependent, confused, and more miserable than we’ve ever been. And this is exactly how they want us to be. An unbroken people cannot be easily conquered.
A War Against the Social Fabric
It is for this reason that an all-out assault on traditional mores has been forcefully waged. A society with strong family, religious, and community ties is an independent and unconquerable society; and one that features a contented and satisfied people. But for our social planners on high, this simply will not serve their ends. Consider the following headline:
It’s easy to dismiss this as absurd - which it certainly is. But this is just a drop in the ocean of similar messages being delivered from on high every minute and every day through all forms of media. The goal is to disparage the ideas of traditional structures such as marriage, which serve as the backbone of a strong society; and replace them with a system that keeps people single, miserable, not having children, and not participating in traditional gender roles. This is the outcome that the global elitists salivate over.
Transgender ideology is another issue that the globalists utilize in their efforts to weaken social structures, and further assault the traditional family. Only a mere handful of years ago it would have been completely beyond the pale to have serious discussions about the virtues of permanently mutilating children. Yet today, among the secular progressive globalist left, carving up innocent children and permanently disfiguring their reproductive organs is a sacrament, and one that they are religiously devoted to.
When Dr. Eithan Haim tried to blow the whistle on the Texas Children’s Hospital’s illegal child sex change program, the Biden DOJ threw the book at him. He is now being prosecuted on federal charges over alleged HIPAA violations. This is clearly being orchestrated from the top to send a message to anyone that would dare try and get in the way of the progressive’s transgender agenda as it pertains to children.
The common thread in all of these issues, is the destruction of family. Surgically transitioning young children is not about ‘helping them to discover their true identity’, or some other such nonsense being peddled constantly by the blathering idiot class. The purpose of these operations are in order to ensure that these young boys and girls can never reproduce later in life. They will grow into their older years confused, androgynous, hooked on medication, and completely dependent on the system - which is the entire recipe for secular progressive globalism’s success.
Perhaps even more of a sacred ritual to the progressive elite, is that of abortion. As with other controversial matters that they wrap in false platitudes, this issue is propagandized as ‘women’s healthcare’. Who could be against women having access to healthcare? Only the most barbaric, backward, misogynistic neanderthals would fight such a thing they claim. The argument is framed in this manner, because if the elitists openly admitted that their desire to commit genocide against entire generations of mainly minority children, it wouldn’t market as well to the masses. Aborting children in the womb before their born is the most efficient way to ensure that they are unable to reproduce and create families of their own. And because of this, abortion is probably the most cherished sacrament within their dark orthodoxy.
The Endgame
All of this is leading to the inevitable decline of western civilization and the destruction of American sovereignty. Even though the world has benefitted from the generosity and selflessness of the American people for centuries, the globalists have cast us as the ultimate unjust colonialist oppressors of the rest of the world. This is because the United States is the last great barrier to their ultimate goal of world domination. Emotionally driven, low information, progressive voters are the only ones who actually believe the US is to blame, and work in an effort of self-sabotage around the clock to try and shed their ever-present sense of self-loathing, and earn the adoration of their globalist overlords.
The war for globalism is being waged on so many fronts, it’s hard to keep track - even for those who keep tabs on such things. The globalist manipulators such as Klaus Schwab and the WEF, Bill Gates, the elitists at Davos, the Bilderberg Group, and many others are all pushing the same agenda: that the world is overpopulated; that humans are bad for the environment; that resources are too scarce to sustain humanity; and that individual autonomy and independent countries’ sovereignty is bad for the future of humanity. In order to rectify these problems, citizens must eschew their borders, language, and culture; and come together under one common understanding on a global level. Resource distribution must be planned and executed from the top down, and a unified world government must be enacted to ensure the continued survival of the people.
Every single one of the firebrand issues that animates political and cultural debate and discussion every day - from climate change, to wars being waged around the world, to energy policy, and all of the social issues discussed here are being guided from the highest echelons of the globalist elite. We must resist the urge to engage at merely an emotional level, permitting ourselves to be manipulated as pawns; and instead hold on ever more diligently to the traditional mores that have anchored us and granted us the freedoms and the sovereignty that we take for granted every day. Only through reconnecting to our faith, family, and traditional western values; and being willing to fight for and defend these precious ideals to whatever end is necessary, can we continue to prosper and resist the evil globalist threat that seeks to enslave us all.